

"Evidence for practice"
Image: Dennis Hauk

Research profile: „Evidence for practice“

In our research projects we address school related issues and investigate classroom practices and combine empirical findings of research on teaching and learning with the development of hands-on material for professional teacher learning and teacher education. Besides the further development of educational theory and the use of versatile methodological approaches, our main emphasis is a change to evidence-based educational practice. As a part of our research we use and develop media-based tools and innovative teaching and learning methods. These tools are also introduced in our university teaching.

Our special interests of research are:

  • Video-based research on teaching and learning (e.g., teacher-student interaction, classroom communication, student learning and motivation)
  • Use of videos for professional development and teacher education
  • Methodological approaches of video analysis
  • Designing effective practical oriented arrangements for teacher education during field-experience (e.g., mentoring, peer-coaching and video-based reflection)
  • Effectiveness of teacher training and professional development
  • Educational theory of American Pragmatism

Current research projects

  • Teaching quality of successful schools. A document analysis of schools from the German School Award (DokU-20I22)

    The research project investigates the teaching quality of the applicant schools of the German School Award. Hereby, a document analysis is used to examine, e.g. the scope and the quality of the applications. 

  • Perceiving and promoting participatory teaching cultures in digital learning communities (PUdL)

    Project period: 2023 - 2026

    The sub-project "PUdL - Perceiving and promoting participatory teaching cultures in digital learning communities" aims to develop and test digitally supported learning modules for a participatory teaching culture. In this context, an online portal is to be created or used in which scientifically tested teaching modules are implemented. Among other things, videos, podcasts, apps and self-learning tools will be used, which are dedicated to the topics of "learning-promoting classroom communication", "self-responsible learning" and "feedback culture" in the classroom.  The digital learning modules will be tested in an iterative process and in cooperation with representatives of school practice and various state institutes and scientifically evaluated as part of a design-based research approach. The implementation of the participatory teaching approaches will be scientifically monitored at selected partner schools.

  • „Making processes and interactions in lessons visible“, video portal teacher education (PRIUS)

    Duration: 2022-2024

    In cooperation with University Kassel (Prof. Dr. Frank Lipowsky)External link, lessons of different subjects are being videotaped at primary and secondary schools throughout Germany. The aim of the project is to address quality of teaching in teacher education and professional development with examples of best practice and make them, together with additional material (scientific sources, lesson materials), accessible to teaching education on a digital learning platform.

  • Dialogic classroom talk from multiple perspectives: Attitudes of pre-service teachers in the internship

    As part of the internship semester research, a particular research interest lies in the attitudes of students with regard to dialogical classroom discussion. Among other things, it was investigated to what extent attitudes change over the course of the internship semester and to what extent these are predicted by personal attitudes towards emotional support for students and attitudes towards teaching and learning. As part of this research project, a cooperation with Prof. Dr. Bernadette Gold (TU Dortmund University)External link was established. This collaboration made it possible to record the perspectives of both prospective primary and secondary school teachers. The Dialogic Teaching Questionnaire (DTQ) was used to record dialogic classroom discussion and validated with regard to the student perspective;

    Current publication:

    Hickethier, F., Gröschner, A., Calcagni, E. et al. Dialogische Unterrichtsgespräche führen: Einstellungen von angehenden Grundschullehrpersonen im Langzeitpraktikum. ZfG 16, 339–356 (2023). link

  • Dialogic teaching in further education (T-SEDA)

    Period: since 2019

    The Dialogic Teaching project is conducted in close cooperation with the Teacher-SEDA team at the University of Cambridge. While T-SEDA aims to develop resources for professional learning about dialogic teaching, our project investigates the perception of dialogic classroom communication from the perspective of teachers, students and external observers. For this purpose, the Dialogic Teaching Questionnaire (DTQ) was developed and empirically tested.

An overview of the completed research projects of the chair can be found on this page.