Teilprojektlogo für den Projektverbund SchuDiDe

Perceiving and promoting participatory teaching cultures in digital learning communities (PUdL)

Teilprojektlogo für den Projektverbund SchuDiDe
Image: IBK

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project period: 2023 - 2026

Project network: Schulentwicklung: Digital - Demokratisch (SchuDiDe) de

Sub-project management: Prof. Dr. Alexander Gröschner de & Prof. Dr. Dennis HaukExternal link

Staff members: Florentine Hickethier de

The sub-project "PUdL - Perceiving and promoting participatory teaching cultures in digital learning communities" aims to develop and test digitally supported learning modules for a participatory teaching culture. In this context, an online portal is to be created or used in which scientifically tested teaching modules are used. Among other things, videos, podcasts, apps and self-learning tools will be used, which are dedicated to the topics of "learning-promoting classroom communication", "self-responsible learning" and "feedback culture" in the classroom.  The digital learning modules will be tested in an iterative process and in cooperation with representatives of school practice and various state institutes and scientifically evaluated as part of a design-based research approach. The implementation of the participatory teaching approaches will be scientifically monitored at selected partner schools.

Selected publications:

Gröschner, A. (2021). (W)Orte finden: Wir reden über Unterricht In M. Schratz, I. Michels & A. Wolters (Hrsg.), Menschen machen Schule – Mutig eigene Wege gehen (S. 194–211). Seelze: Klett/Kallmeyer.

Gröschner, A., Bosse, N., Klaß, S. & Zastrow, M. (2023). Im „third space“ digital? Das Fortbildungskonzept digitaler Lerngemeinschaften zur Förderung der Lernbegleitung angehender Lehrpersonen. Seminar, 29(1), 46–59. https://doi.org/10.3278/SEM2301W001

Hauk, D., & Gröschner, A. (2022). How Effective is Learner-Controlled Instruction Under Classroom Conditions? A Systematic Review. Learning and Motivation, 80, OnlineFirst https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lmot.2022.101850

Hauk, D., Israel, A. & Gröschner, A. (2021). Mitbestimmung von Schülerinnen und Schülern im offenen Unterricht. Ein Beitrag zum Demokratie-Lernen? In E. Franzmann, N. Berkemeyer, & M. May (Hrsg.), Wie viel Verfassung braucht der Lehrberuf? (S. 165–174). Beltz.