

Teacher Education and Teacher Professional Development
Image: Thomas Victor

The Chair for Research on Teaching and Learning provides courses in the following university programs:

  • Jenaer Model of Teacher Education (JMLB; high and low track secondary education)
  • Bachelor of Educational Science (main subject as well as additional subjects)

As part of the teacher education curriculum, we provide lectures and seminars mainly focusing on how to become a professional teacher. In detail, this includes the lecture "Introduction into research on teaching and learning" (every winter term) as well as various seminars addressing the standards of teaching, education, assessment and innovation (KMK, 2004/2014). Hereby, we address topics such as classroom dialogue and purposeful teacher-student interaction, effective classroom management, learning with digital media, assessment and counseling students, parents and teacher colleagues. We introduce theories, empirical methods and evidence regarding classroom practice. Furthermore, we introduce tools by using video cases, digital media and practice-related methods.

The chair is also responsible for the organization of the educational courses of the internship semester (“Praxissemester”, 5 months). Beyond that we provide topics to write Bachelor and Master theses as well as final state exams.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to visit the project websites or ask for more information.